New In Love, Never Say Never (3 Viewers)

  • Chương 55

Chapter 55

“You think you’re better than me!” He was not prepared for my counterattack and now

looked like he had swallowed a bitter pill, fumbling for more insults.

At that moment, the elevator door opened, and I shot him one last dirty look. “I sincerely

hope to see you upgrade from a second-rated bootlicker to a first-class minion. See you


Imagining smokes coming out of Joe’s ears made me forget about Ashton pissing me off

this morning.

When I stepped into my office, there was already someone waiting for me.

Stacey quickly walked up to me and said, “Ms. Stovall, Mr. Harrison from Harrison Credit has

been waiting for you all morning in your office.”

After nodding in acknowledgment, I told Stacey to fetch me a glass of warm milk.

Upon entering my office, I saw Nick sitting comfortably in my chair with his legs up and eyes

closed as though he had been resting for a while.

He heard me walking in but did not bother to open his eyes. “Ms. Stovall, do you always

come to the office whenever it pleases you?”

Ignoring his sarcasm, I set aside my handbag and sat down on the couch. Stacey came over

with my milk and asked, “Ms. Stovall, do you want me to bring over all the audit reports for

Fuller Corporation?”

I shook my head and took a sip of milk before suggesting to Nick, “I suppose you have

already received the message. Since you’re here, shall we sign the contract right away?”

Nick finally opened his eyes, half squinting them at me while he said, “Does this mean you

have decided to collaborate with us?”

Furrowing my brows, I took a deep breath to ease the numbing ache radiating from my

lower back. Then I turned to Stacey and asked her to bring the contract over.

After receiving it, Nick merely glanced through the papers without an ounce of seriousness

and signed the contract on the spot.

I was only responsible for the signing of the agreement, and the next step would be for

Harrison Credit to liaise directly with our Finance Department. That part was out of my


But Nick did not seem like he was ready to leave, so I shot him a questioning look. “Mr.

Harrison, is there anything else?”

Hearing that, he stood up and walked over to sit next to me. “Let’s have lunch together.”

I really did not have the patience for this brat, so I turned to Stacey. “Go downstairs and get

Mr. Harrison some takeout.”

Stacey was a little startled but nodded her head nonetheless and retreated from my office to

get his lunch.

Nick was disappointed and tried to protest, “Hey Scarlett, that was a sincere request to have

lunch with you. Did you have to turn me down like that?”

Feeling annoyed, I gave him a cold glare. “Mr. Harrison, in terms of work, my job here is

done. As for personal relationships, I’m married, so I’d appreciate it if you could keep your


Massaging my temples, I walked back to my desk and pulled out HiTech’s file. After settling

Fuller Corporation’s audit, there were still more HiTech cases to follow up. Just thinking

about all these pending matters made my headache worse.

I could not understand what was going through youngsters’ minds these days. Do they not

fathom social cues at all? I thought I had made myself crystal clear about not wanting to

have anything further to do with Nick, and yet he was still lingering in my office like a fungal


Well, he could suit himself. I’d just get started with my work.

Right then, Stacey returned to the office. Placing the takeout in front of Nick, she said

politely, “Mr. Harrison, your lunch.”

Nick was not amused at all and replied sarcastically, “Well, thank you so much!”

Responding with a faint smile, Stacey walked toward me. “Ms. Stovall, Mr. Lowe from AC

Credit has come looking for you a few times. Would you like to see him?”

I opened my inbox to check for new emails, but there were none. “Not at the moment,


I knew this would come back to haunt me. We skipped over the winner of the open tender

and gave the job to Harrison Credit. As expected, there was no way AC Credit would let this

go so easily.

This was far from over.

“If you asked me, I’d say go see him. You may be surprised!” Nick interrupted while eating

his takeout, “Ah, I almost forgot to inform you, Harrison Credit will only be responsible for

Fuller Corporation’s audit. We won’t be dealing with any of your subsidiaries.”

Furrowing my brows, I asked, “What do you mean by that?”

He slowly laid his fork down and looked at me. “You heard me. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Fuller Corporation went public last year and merged with Quinn Corporation. So I suppose

their finance falls under your supervision as well?”

At that point, he was starting to get on my nerve. “You’re saying you will only handle Fuller

Corporation’s audit but not Quinn Corporation’s?”

He nodded and said, “Fuller Corporation’s financial reports are massive and complicated as

it is. If we are to include Quinn Corporation’s, we won’t be able to catch up with the release

of next quarter’s financial statements.”

I was almost hyperventilating after listening to his assertion. “That’s nonsense! The two

companies were already merged last year, and they’re now operating under the umbrella of

Fuller Corporation. If your company is going to handle the parent company’s audit, you have

to include Quinn Corporation as well.”

He smirked and said, “Ms. Stovall, I don’t think so.”

Piece of sh*t!

I walked right into his freaking trap.

“Stacey, please escort Mr. Harrison out of my office!” I wasn’t sure whether I could stop

myself from punching his stupid face if he stayed any longer.

I needed to discuss this with Ashton immediately. This was just the right recipe for chaos.

Before leaving with the takeout in his hands, Nick turned around and emphasized, “I shall

remind you that we have just signed a legally binding agreement, so I’d advise you against

screwing us over.”

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